I have been working as a W2 Employee since I was 18, if you don’t count the W2 I probably started babysitting in Junior High. I worked all through-out college as a church nursery aid, personal baby sitter, bartender/waitress & retail associate. I became my own employer in 2013 & a new Mother in 2013. I had another child in 2015 too. I feel like juggling is innate in me. Its just part of my life & what I do everyday. I also help my Father who was diagnosed with Parkinsons 20 years ago.

I know I am not the only one out there hustling to get each days tasks completed. So I just wanted to send a little love & let others know, you are not alone. When the day feels daunting & you feel as if you just can’t get it all done know that I feel you. Pray, be patient, be kind & just keep doing you. At the end of the day what doesn’t get done will usually be there tomorrow. If you see someone & they just have their work written all over their face, just say “Hi”. You never know what that act of simple kindness can do for someone. Acknowledgement is huge & it can go along way. I make my children say “Hi” to everyone. It doesn’t matter if they are a neighbor or a stranger walking their dog.

My Father had incredible work ethic & he passed that down to all 3 of his girls. One thing he always said was leave work at work. Family is important & work will be there tomorrow. It stayed with me for sure & I practice that to this day. I work hard but when my kids are home I am present. I have to put my phone down & just be in that moment. Whether we are coloring, going to the library or outside riding bikes the phone is down. Work life balance y’all!

Hope its a good week!
