Kathryn Nichols, Tips for Recruiting in Houston Texas

Blog Posts

Tips for Recruiting and Job Seeking


How do you avoid burn out?

I recently discovered this article in which Forbes.com is interviewing #GIRLBOSS Sophia Amoruso. A quote from the article when asked about how she avoids burnout,

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Support Small Businesses

I know a lot of friends personally that are hustlers, movers & shakers & that have their own businesses or just started their own business.

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Dealing with Stress

How do you deal with the hustle of everyday life? Especially now since Covid? Methods to de-stress can be as easy as drinking a cup

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Does anybody look forward to the weekends? Okay, okay not everybody yell at once! I know you all do, just as I do! Yes, TGIF

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Business books…

Business Insider had a great article back in December of 2019 in regards to the top Business books. Here are a few for you guys

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NVS Pitch Video

Hey Guys! I opted to do a self made at home video letting companies know what it is that Nichols Virtual Sourcing is able to

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Time Management

A girlfriend of mine posted this & it intrigued me enough to post it on my own. The article is by Entrepreneur.com & it goes

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Healthy Competition

Competition is everywhere, it’s in all aspects of our lives. From having the best cars, to wearing the top brands, we are always striving to

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